Our story of buying an Akiya house in Japan

By BridgetoJapan
Date Added: 6-11-2024

Last summer we relocated from a small town in the USA to Japan, in search of a safe and stable cultural environment for our children. In our opinion Japan is the last safe and affordable country to live a western lifestyle.

To those who have never been, Japan equals Tokyo. However there is another Japan — just as clean, just as polite and with all the same qualities of Japanese culture — but without the complex mazes and crowds of modern cities: Zentsuji City. In contrast Zentsuji City has a lower price tag, more room, and the food is fresher. For example local farmers grow and sell their vegetables at small kiosks with no cashier, no line. Just pick up your vegetables, drop in your coins in their piggy bank, and you are good to go.

Akiyas come in many conditions and prices. There are far more houses available than it appears from outside. For those who are willing to come look themselves there are exceptional deals available.

Panoramic view downtown Zentsūji and Zentsū-ji temple: Zentsūji, Kagawa

In our case we took our time and stayed at a local government-run temporary housing, specifically for relocation. We chose the house not the city, but we are very happy with our new city.

Mountain hiking, beaches or shopping are all 20 minutes away in Zentsuji city. The city has some of the most affordable properties in Kagawa prefecture.

Zentsuji city officials actually contacted us for ideas and assistance to bring in foreign visitors and potential new residents. To those who are leary of red tape, Zentsuji city, Kagawa is open for business.

The project has just started so they are welcoming all input and ideas. If you have any questions about visiting Zentsuji or even relocating here, we are here to help you in any way we can. For those who have any ideas to promote the area, your ideas are appreciated.

Zentsuji city is a very lovely city so we want to help our community as well as help those searching for their ideal home. We want to see WIN-WIN.

For more information about buying a property in Zentsuji City:

Please visit BridgetoJapan's website here

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