Date added: 448 days ago

Nakajaya, Higashi Ward, Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture



16,800,000円 (¥JPY)
Coordinates provided by source data.
While we try to ensure coordinates are helpful, please note that property may be out of scope of this image.
Coordinates provided by source data.
While we try to ensure coordinates are helpful, please note that property may be out of scope of this image. Please use this feature as a means to explore the area where this property is located.
Bedrooms: 4 Parking: available
Year built: 1989 Land size: -
House size: -
Closest Railway Line / Station:
Nearest konbini:
Sunkus 3 minute(s) walk
Mini Stop 4 minute(s) walk
Family Mart 6 minute(s) walk
Lawson 9 minute(s) walk