Date added: 177 days ago

Hyogo Prefecture, Himeji City, Ieshima Town, Boze



500,000円 (¥JPY)
Coordinates provided by source data.
While we try to ensure coordinates are helpful, please note that property may be out of scope of this image.
Coordinates provided by source data.
While we try to ensure coordinates are helpful, please note that property may be out of scope of this image. Please use this feature as a means to explore the area where this property is located.
Bedrooms: 6 Parking: 2
Year built: 1974 Land size: 105 / 345sqft
House size: 113.44 / 373sqft
Closest Railway Line / Station:
Jiandao Station, Uetsu Line - 2.93 km
Nearest konbini:
Daily Yamazaki 33 minute(s) walk
Seven Eleven 37 minute(s) walk
Price500,000 yen
Floor plan 6DK
Traffic ship
Location Hyogo Prefecture, Himeji City, Ieshima Town, Boze
Construction date January 1974 (built 50 years ago)
Building area 113.44㎡
Land area 105.00㎡
Parking for 2 or more cars South facing Quiet residential area City gas system Kitchen Two toilets with reheating function Corner location For two households Monitored intercom
Traffic ship
Location Hyogo Prefecture, Himeji City, Ieshima Town, Boze
Property type House for sale
Price 500,000 yen
Land lease period/land rent (monthly) - / -
Rights fee -
Deposit/Guarantee - / -
Maintenance costs etc. -
Other lump sum payments -
Facility -
Key points -
Remarks If you would like to buy or rent a property, would like to know the exact address, or would like to view the property, please download an application form from the "I want to buy/rent a vacant house" page on the Himeji City Hall website and submit it to the Housing Division of Himeji City Hall.
Building name -
Floor plan 6DK
Building area 113.44㎡
Land area 105㎡
Private road area -
Construction date January 1974 (built 50 years ago)
Floors/Floors 2-storey / -
Renovation /
Parking -
Building structure wooden
Land rights -
Urban Planning Outside the area
Zoning -
Building coverage ratio -
Floor-area ratio -
Land use -
Geography -
Land Law Notification -
Setback -
Building confirmation number -
Current Status Sky
Delivery consultation
Information Release Date May 16, 2024
Next scheduled update date at any time

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