Date added: 209 days ago

803 Makigahana, Tsubame City, Niigata Prefecture



10,500,000円 (¥JPY)
Coordinates provided by source data.
While we try to ensure coordinates are helpful, please note that property may be out of scope of this image.
Coordinates provided by source data.
While we try to ensure coordinates are helpful, please note that property may be out of scope of this image. Please use this feature as a means to explore the area where this property is located.
Bedrooms: 10 Parking: 4
Year built: 1959 Land size: 674.2 / 7258sqft
House size: 241.85 / 2604sqft
Closest Railway Line / Station:
Nearest konbini:
Seven Eleven 17 minute(s) walk

10.5 million yen

Estimated payment: 29,000 yen/month *Calculated by LIFULL HOME'S
Floor plan10DK (Dining/kitchen 10 tatami mats (1st floor) Japanese-style room 10 tatami mats (1st floor) x 3 Western-style room 6.5 tatami mats (1st floor) Japanese-style room 6 tatami mats (1st floor) Japanese-style room 10 tatami mats (2nd floor) Western-style room 8 tatami mats (2nd floor) x 2 Western-style room 7.5 tatami mats (2nd floor) Japanese-style room 6 tatami mats (2nd floor))
Building area241.85㎡
Land area674.2㎡ (public record)
ParkingAvailable (4 spaces) Free
Construction date

May 1960 (65 years old)


803 Makigahana, Tsubame City, Niigata Prefecture


22 minutes walk from Aozu Station on the JR Echigo Line
Total units1 unit
Building structureWooden/2-story
Access to roadCorner lot (4m public road to the north) (4m public road to the east)
Urban PlanningNon-lined areas
Land useResidential land
Building coverage ratio70%
Floor-area ratio200%
Land rightsOwnership
Land Law NotificationNot required
Current Status

Vacant house

Please feel free to contact us with your desired date.

Transaction typeSeller

■ Expanded in January 1980 ■ Warehouse: Wooden, tiled roof, 2-story, 49.53 m2 ■ Workshop and garage: Steel frame, wooden, galvanized steel sheet, cement tiled roof, 2-story, 261.69 m2


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